Chocolate labrador puppy with toothbrush.

Comprehensive Dog Dental Care in Willis, Spring, and Montgomery, Texas

At Lake Conroe Veterinarians, we understand that your dog's dental health is key to their overall well-being and longevity. Regular dental care not only keeps your dog’s teeth clean but also helps prevent more serious health issues, such as heart disease and kidney problems. In Texas, particularly in our regions of Willis, Spring, and Montgomery, heartworm prevention, proper weight management, and dental care are the three main factors contributing to your dog's longevity.

How Do I Care for My Dog’s Teeth at Home?

Taking care of your dog’s teeth at home is essential to prevent plaque buildup, gingivitis, and more serious dental diseases. While brushing your dog's teeth daily is the gold standard, we know it can be challenging for some pet owners. For dogs, you can try dental chews and water additives as alternatives, but remember, brushing remains the best method for maintaining optimal oral health. Our veterinarians at Lake Conroe Veterinarians are happy to provide tips and recommendations to help you find the right at-home care routine for your dog.

Signs and Symptoms of Dental Issues in Dogs

Recognizing dental problems early can save your dog from discomfort and prevent serious complications.

Some signs to watch out for include:

  • Bad breath
  • Excessive drooling
  • Difficulty chewing or eating on one side
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Weight loss

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to bring your dog in for an evaluation as soon as possible. At Lake Conroe Veterinarians, we use advanced diagnostics, including full-mouth x-rays, to identify and treat any underlying dental issues.

What Happens During a Professional Dog Dental Cleaning?

Professional dental cleanings for dogs at Lake Conroe Veterinarians involve a comprehensive process to ensure the best care for your pet’s oral health.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Pre-Anesthetic Evaluation: We perform blood work to ensure your dog is healthy enough for anesthesia.
  • General Anesthesia: We use safe, monitored anesthesia to keep your dog comfortable throughout the procedure.
  • Full-Mouth X-Rays: We take x-rays of your dog's teeth to assess their condition, including the roots and bones.
  • Cleaning and Polishing: Our team performs a deep cleaning to remove plaque and tartar, followed by polishing to prevent future buildup.
  • Extractions and Treatment: If any teeth are diseased or damaged, we will extract them or offer referrals for specialized dental care like root canals.

Regular professional dental cleanings help prevent more serious issues and ensure your dog stays happy and healthy.

Schedule Your Dog's Dental Appointment Today

At Lake Conroe Veterinarians, we’re committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive dental care for your dog. If you have concerns about your dog’s dental health or want to schedule a professional cleaning, contact our team today. We proudly serve pets in Willis, Spring, and Montgomery, Texas, and look forward to helping your dog enjoy a lifetime of good health. Give us a call at (936) 856-0200 to schedule an exam with one of our veterinarians!